上诉 & 处理   

We understand that there may be circumstances that impact your ability to pay for college, 在你最初的经济援助申请中,这些可能并不总是很清楚. Maybe your or your parent's have experienced a change in income since the application was filed. Maybe you may have additional educational expenses that have not been included in your financial aid budget. 也许你已经改变了你的住房计划. If your financial circumstances changed after you filed your 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA) or CA梦想法案 Application, 你可以考虑向CSUF提出上诉. 

 The 财政援助办公室 may be able to adjust the following if you appeal is approved:

  • 收入变化
  • 一次性教育费用
  • 住房的变化
  • 依赖状态的变化
  • 奖励调整(尽管所有奖励都取决于资金的可用性)


阅读下面的内容,了解更多关于上诉的类型, 需求, 形式, 最后期限, 以及其他重要信息.

  • 请注意
  • Please inform our office of your "special circumstances" as soon as possible to make sure you receive the best financial aid package possible in a timely manner.


截止日期请参阅上诉表格.  一些资金可能是有限的,所以尽量尽早提交你的上诉.


  • 上诉通常在2-4周内进行审查.
    • 在繁忙的处理时间(如夏季), 对你的上诉进行评估可能需要更长的时间.
  • 一旦审查完成,
    • If your appeal is approved you will receive a revised financial aid notification via email and typically an appeal follow up form via US Mail.
    • 如果你的上诉被驳回, you will receive an appeal follow up form to notify you of the reason(s) for the denial.



预计年度收入呼吁(PRJP) & 撮合下)

财政援助申请使用上一个纳税年度的税务信息. This appeal form is used to document changes in income from one tax year to the next tax year. This may be the result of loss of income or employment, separation or divorce, death of a parent. 形式 can be downloaded online but must be submitted in person after meeting with a Financial Aid counselor. 没有足够文件的表格将不被接受, 在提交之前,请确保所有要求的项目都包括在内. If you are appealing a change in business income you will need to wait to file your appeal until after the next tax year has completed and you are able to obtain a tax transcript. Additionally if your appeal is initially denied you may be able to provide a copy of the next tax year's tax transcript to see if the final income information is different then projected.



在某些情况下, the unusual expenses you incur during an academic year may be considered in determining the amount of your financial aid eligibility. The 财政援助办公室 will evaluate your expenses and may make changes to your financial aid awards. 在学年期间发生费用之前,必须提供相关文件, 具体日期见表格.

额外费用的例子包括:医疗费, 牙科, or Vision Care Expenses; Car Repair Expenses; Excessive Mileage; Child Care; Books and Supplies in Excess of Standard; and/or One-Time Computer Expense.

上诉必须包括收据, 账单, 或其他形式的文件,可以证实所发生的费用.


You may have listed a specific housing plan on your financial aid application and now your plans have changed. You can use this form to update your housing plan which may result in modified financial aid eligibility.


This appeal is used to change accepted 形式 of financial aid such as a student loan, 加上贷款, 私人贷款, 或联邦勤工俭学. You can indicate on the form if you would like the whole award canceled or a portion of the award. If the award has already been disbursed to your campus account and a refund has been issued you may incur a balance on your account. We can not cancel your full FWS award if you have already earned some of the funding. 

您也可以使用此表格将您的毕业日期更改通知办公室, 年级水平, 或者学术计划.

依赖覆盖(DPOR) & 多尔)

On 这个页面 我们解释谁必须提供父母信息和依赖状态的概念. Sometimes students who do not meet the federal criteria for independent status wish to be considered as an independent student. The dependency override appeal process allows a student with extenuating circumstances to appeal so they might be considered independent, even though they do not meet any of the independent student criteria on the financial aid applications. If your appeal is based solely on the fact that you do not live with or receive support from your parents, 你的上诉将被驳回. It is highly advised that you meet with a financial aid counselor about your situation prior to submitting this appeal.

如果我没有特殊情况怎么办, but my parents refuse to help me pay for college and won’t provide their information?

不幸的是, a parent’s refusal to assist a student with their college expenses is not sufficient to warrant a Dependency Override. Federal financial aid applicants who are considered a dependent student and their parents did not provide information on the FAFSA application may be eligible for Unsubsidized Loan.

学业进展满意(ASAP, AUCT, & 必备)

Students are required to maintain 学业进展满意(SAP) and are evaluated yearly, 正如我们在我们的 SAP页面. If it has been determined that a student is not meeting they can appeal their SAP status. 

  • 学业进步申诉表格PDF文件  - Use this form to request an exception to the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy if your eligibility for financial aid has been terminated. 完整的说明见表格.
  • 单位上限上诉表格PDF文件  - Use this form to request an extension of financial aid eligibility beyond the standard “unit cap” for your academic program if you have been notified that your eligibility has been or is about to be terminated. 完整的说明见表格.
  • SAP更正/更新表PDF文件  - Use this form to provide documentation of additional units earned so that they may be included for review of your "satisfactory academic progress" status. 完整的说明见表格.

如果上述表格和流程不能反映您的独特情况,请 最可靠的买彩票平台 如需进一步协助.